One of Shakti’s aims is to work towards the empowerment and self-reliance o women. With the support of Bankstown Sports Club, Shakti’s started sewing classes. This initiative is another added skill set for our creative participants.

In its work towards social integration of disadvantaged women in the community towards, Shakti holds culturally sensitive trainings. Shakti NSW organized English language skill development classes along with parenting and driving classes exclusively for women from the Rohingya community. This initiative is Shakti NSW’s holistic package to support refugee women to reintegrate in Australia – the land that they call home today.

 Shakti stands against all forms of violence and racism. An ‘Open Mic Morning’ event was organised by Shakti NSW to show respect and solidarity to Christchurch victims.


A public meeting was organized by Shakti Australia. Renowned women leaders spoke about being a catalyst for social change with emphasis on advocacy against all forms of gender-based violence and cultural oppression.

Managing committee members Sadia Tabassum and Sabrin Farooqui represented Shakti NSW on “White Ribbon Day 2018” which aims to highlight the issues of prevention of men’s violence against women as well as gender equality.

Shakti NSW organised a workshop to empower migrant and refugee women to help them integrate into Australian work environment and society. This workshop focused on building skills based on abilities, healthy relationships, budgeting skills and connecting with different communities.


Migrant & Refugee women’s support group Shakti NSW hosted the InteGreat Conference, focusing on refugee resettlement and domestic violence

Some of the issues touched on were: the gender pay gap in leadership roles, the difficulties of finding employment for CALD women who face both gender and racial discrimination, barriers to integration for refugees, and access to social justice for women and refugees, such as lawyers and advocacy organisations.